Aramaic languages and peoples

Aramaic is famous for being the language that Jesus may have spoken. It was originally the language of Syria, and became used as a trade language across the Middle East. There are now as many as nineteen different Aramaic languages, which are spoken mainly by Christians from the Syriac churches in the Middle East.

Assyrian Neo-Aramaic is spoken by Christians in several enclaves across northern Syria and Iraq. The language is written using the ancient Syriac script.
The New Testament and Psalms can be downloaded from the Aramaic Bible Translation website, where you can also order a printed copy.
The Jesus Film and Magdalena can be viewed on the Jesus Film website.
Some Old Testament books are also available as pdfs on the Scripture Earth website. Global Recordings have audio versions of the Gospel of John and Words of Life. Recordings of the Gospel of Mark and a Portrait of Jesus are available from Talking Bibles.




Chaldean Neo-Aramaic is spoken by Christians in a few areas of northern Iraq. The language can be written either using Arabic script, or else using the Modern Eastern Aramaic (eastern Syriac) script.
The New Testament in both scripts is available as a download or in print from Aramaic Bible Translation.
The Jesus Film and Magdalena can be viewed on the Jesus Film website.
The Words of Life stories are available as audio recordings from Global Recordings Network.




Ma’luli, also known as Western Neo-Aramaic, is spoken by Christians in a small area in western Syria. It is considered to be the language that is closest to the language that Jesus spoke.  
Currently there are no Scriptures or Bible stories available in this language, though the New Testament has recently been completed, and is being prepared for publication. It will be made available on the Aramaic Bible Translation website.




Suryoyo, also known as Turoyo, is spoken by Christians in a few areas in north-eastern Syria, south-eastern Turkey, and in the diaspora in Sweden, Holland, Germany, Canada and the US.
The New Testament is available as a download or in print from Aramaic Bible Translation. New Testaments are also available from the Mor Gabriel Monastery in S.E Turkey.
The Jesus Film and other videos are available on the  Jesus Film website.
The Words of Life stories are available as audio recordings from Global Recordings Network.
The Portrait of Jesus stories are available as audio recordings from  Aramaic Bible Translation.



Next: Turkmen language and peoples


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